Thursday, October 1, 2009

did you know?

how i wished you knew, that i miss the old us. where we were so excited of eachother, so caring about our love. i wonder how we lost them, when we are so truly in love. tell me, how. i remember us being so excited and happy whenever we're meeting eachother, how we wished time wasn't going that fast so we didn't have to say good bye at the end. i miss falling asleep by your side, kissing you all over the places just before closing my eyes, waking up to your side with you hugging me, kissing your cheeks and smell the morning smell of yours on your forehead. i miss too, making love to you with our sexy moves and ended them up cuddling and laughing together about our things. i miss laying down on bed with you everynight, without doing anything but just lay down and feel the warmth of your body. do you remember how we used to watch scary movies at night, just the two of us with food all over the floor? it's just so different now. you used to crawl down and snug beside me whenever you saw me laying down. you used to play songs with your guitar for me. you used to lay your head on my lap when you saw me on computer. we used to have fun in the bathroom together, and went out for dinner with smiles on our faces, left people wondering why. we used to irritate everyone around us with our happiness. looking at you now on your desk, reminds me of nothing but my deep love for you. we were just so good. nothing bad, no tears no harm, just love and laughs. i just miss all those small things we used to do. time is running so fast now and we don't have much time to just let it pass without spending it. how i wished you knew sayang, how i wished you knew the reason of me being here. i am here, for you. no other reasons.

Friday, July 3, 2009

just for you

do you know that i am crazy for you? i sayang you sangat-sangat, i can never imagine myself without you. sounds cliche kan, but i can't lie, that's what i am really feeling towards you. it is so real and true i hardly believe it myself. i am listening to slow songs, reminding me of our slow night before. you, me and smooth slow songs, nothing else. how we wished we were next to eachother, falling onto our backs with arms cuddling around eachother. i can't wait to start my days with you. i know, me going there to you isn't a bad move at all since that's what i've been wanting for a long time, since that's what i need to complete my days. you tau i tak boleh berpisah dengan you, tak boleh berjauhan dengan you even for a day or else i akan meragam. i hate it, i hate it for hurting you just because i want you. it's just plain stupid. but i can't help it b. i want you so much that i just need you next to me all the time. the thoughts of what's going to happen in the future are hurting and killing me inside but i know that you are always going to be there for me for as long as you live. so i am going to leave the sad thoughts aside for now and enjoy my every bit with you. i love you. i know you do too. and i know you do it like no one else does.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

now and never

I finally know just what it means to let someone in to see the side of me that no one does or ever will, so if you're ever lost and find yourself all alone, i'd search forever just to bring you home..

Sunday, May 24, 2009

what patience brings you

remember how i used to be all fucked up because of you? how i didn't sleep at night, how i never had dry eyes, how i had my heart fighting for you every night, wondering what was best for me, and what was best for you. hard to believe how i kept my 6 months for you, kept everything off it's way just for you, just for us. how i waited for your text every second, how i waited for night to begin just to hear your voice, how i always wondered how you were doing back then. now everything is paid off. God has listened to my prayers, and finally sacrifices His little time to grant my wish. i have you now. i have you with me now. i have you just for my own now and never. i am never asking more. why am i, when the only thing i ever want is all mine. saying how happy i am won't be enough, will never be enough. i get to see you everyday, i get to talk to you every minute i want, i get to have you every second. my 6 months wait is worth a lifetime. ILY b. more than ever now. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

why does it feel so right

cause i miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
and i breathe you, into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
cause i love you, whether it's wrong or right
and though i can't be with you tonight, you know my heart is by your side

Thursday, April 23, 2009


a part of me wants to leave you alone.
a part of me wants for you to come home.
a part of me says i'm living a lie,
and i'm better off without you.
a part of me says to think it through.
a part of me says I'm over you.
a part of me wants to say goodbye.
a part of me is asking why...
a part of me wants to leave.
but a part of me wants to be here with you.
and everytime i think we're over and done you do something to get me back loving you.
and you got me just torn.
torn in between the two.
cause i really want to be with you.
but something's telling me i should leave you alone
there were no issues when we started out.
it was cool.
it was everything that love's about.
but something happened.
plus i'm feeling so burnt out.
i can't understand you now
a part of me says it's all my fault.
a part of me says "they ain't what you want."
a part of me says to get my bags.
a part of me says i can't do that.
so many times i... i was ready to go.
so many times i... i had my foot out the door
so many times I... i thought to give you a chance, thought you'd be a better person
now i'm sitting here and i'm so confused.
cause i keep fighting myself for you.
i don't know how much more i can take but i can't feel this way
you just got me so torn

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


dengarkanlah wahai bidadari
seandainya kau sudi
walaupun kau tak mungkin cintai diri ini
namun aku mahu kau tahu
setiap malam kau ku rindu
walaupun terluka kau masih ku cinta

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

the truth

i know you inside out
i know all your curves and swerves
i know every mark and scar on you
i have seen you in ways like nobody has
there is no reason for me to not want you more than anything else
i love you like no else does.

Friday, April 10, 2009


why am i so feeling-less right now? tak suka ah.
maybe im already tired and done of all these craps and shits
you punya pasal la ni. look what you've done darling..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

full time lover

they say, being in love is sharing deep unexplainable feelings with someone. someone who cherishes you the most, someone who doesn't mind spending their most precious time over your tiny littlest thing, someone who doesn't think you're ugly, instead the prettiest person all the time even on your baddest day. someone who laughs at your stupidest jokes, and someone who doesn't see what anyone can see, in anyone else but you. im not sure whether it's real, but i feel these all the time towards you. unbelievable but true. i am never bored of you, even for the tiniest bit. i never want to stop seeing, and being beside you even silence is all we could have. i've had your face next to mine when you're talking, laughing, starring and even sleeping, never a moment where i could stop having my eyes on it. it doesn't have the weight of the world you're carrying on your shoulder instead it's the most peaceful view i've ever seen. i just dont know what to think anymore, what i have for you is crazy and, i think i am your ever biggest fan.
The Moldy Peaches - anyone else but you is for you

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

a wishful wish

alangkah indahnya kalau kau ini milik aku seorang..
memang aku lah insan paling bahagia di dalam dunia ini

Monday, March 9, 2009

full satisfaction

thanks for today
cukup for the rest of the upcoming days without you here
i puas sangat :)
i love you okay, much.

Monday, March 2, 2009

dear you,

i want to give you everything i'll give you my all
because you gave me, you gave me your lips, a gentle kiss
the medicine to cure my pain

i wish you knew how much i feel for you, it's unexplainable
it's like, you carry the whole world of mine in your hands

Sunday, March 1, 2009

hot pairs

Alexia & Anissa - Eyes Set To Kill

Tegan and Sara

Friday, February 27, 2009

nothing can explain

Lately you have been asking me
if all my words are true
Don't you know I'll do anything for you

Sometimes I haven't been good to you
Sometimes I've made you cry
And I am sorry for everything

but I promise you girl
I promise you this

When the blue night is over my face
on the dark side of the world in space
When I'm all alone with the stars above
you are the one I love

So there's no need to worry girl
My heart is sealed for you
And no one's gonna take it away

cos' I promise you girl
I promise you this

When the blue night is over my face
on the dark side of the world in space
When I'm all alone with the stars above
you are the one I love

Your voice is calling to me in my dreams
My love is stronger than it's ever been

Thursday, February 26, 2009

you, me, us

you don't know how much i miss you guys and those times we had. Nota and Brita, you guys are the coolest living things ever alive. we could spend the whole day on the beach doing nothing but enjoying each other's company. Nota, you're like the very best friend of mine. i don't know where you came from (i know it's Greek) but i guess God was so proud of His creations that He wanted to show me them, and so He left you abandoned in Perhentian (since you had no chalet of your own) hehe. i remember sitting beside you at Rock Garden's counter for the very first time, watching you talking to your friend over the phone. and how i offered you my room and you were like so flattered? then we became closer when you came by and laid down with me under the big red and yellow umbrella on the beach where i got covered by but not you so it had you sweating all the way in the sun? haha and our dinner with those Spanish dudes was soo funny? haha all we did was look at each other, wondering what they were talking about. and i remember one of them looked like David Beckham and he eventually had a crush on you? lol ;) and that was the night i met Brita too. i thought she was just a normal plain white girl with her glasses and black bag but oh man she's the best drinking partner ever. she's up for anything even Monkey Juice with some Coke in the small blue bucket! and we looked so descent together eating happy burgers on the bar haha. ah she's crazy, totally. back to you, i remember you and your naked people on the Greek beach story hahaha you told me about it for almost everyday? and how you both laughed at me for not wanting to get into the water like at all? and how you taught me on how to roll tabacco? damn how could i ever learn when the only time you ever did was when i was totally drunk? one day Nota one daay haha and i absolutely remember my first night getting drunk with you guys, how i slapped myself and fell asleep on Brita's black bag? fun hey. oh yea do you remember how you mixed up all those Malay words i ever taught you? haha that's hella funny alright. and how Brita mixed up Malay and Norwegian without realising it cause she was totally stoned? hahahha i swear to god it really tickled my ass. maan we did alot of fun things together didn't we. how you put me to bed cause i was so drunk and you got kicked out by me cause there's no way i could lock the door with you inside the room? haha im soooryy but thanks for the goodnight kiss though ;) and Brita, remember how i tripped off the bar bench? hahaha thanks for laughiiiingg maan. thank god Andi was there to pull me or i'd get myself stuck down there -_- and how we had early drinks along with raggae songs on the beach? romantic. haha. ahh there's so much to be remembered of that i could never have enough space to list them. it was so sad leaving you guys that i actually cried on my way off the island? hehe i really love you guys though :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


haiih korek korek treasure box terjumpa pulak surat surat you, teringat zaman zaman Integomb dulu. banyak gila memories kan. you're a good companion la i gotta admit. you were there all the time, dari pagi sampai la larut malam kan kan :p ingat lagi tidur sekatil, sebantal, setilam. then dengan bantal hijau dengan selimut you eh? org pun lupa daah. ingat tak dulu you selalu lalu dengan Farin depan my class pastu cam cover konon konon tak tengok haha and how you were jealous when i talked to siha :p and i still wonder what happened on the last day of school. i remember us not saying goodbye in a good way. the only thing org ingat, you were crying and i left you my shirt. or you weren't crying? ntah la lupa dah. but tu la, i can't stop wondering. ingat balik macam kelakar gila, macam orang in love pulak hehe well i do love you kalau tak i wouldn't bother coming to your dorm everynight kan. and i wouldn't bother teaching you basketball :p ingat senang keee nak dapat tips dari Muna hehe. haih teringat zaman sekolah. and how you kept on saying i smelled nice time perhimpunan haha oh oh, ingat tak cadet police? haha i ingat lagi, i penah marah you sebab tak datang meeting. and how your hands always sweat? haha tengok tengok my hands pun sama eh. and kita selalu study sama sama dekat class hujung yang kosong tu. we were so close kan, i miss you and old times :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

dream cars?

Rolls Royce 100ex
Lamborghini Gallardo SE
lamborghini Gallardo Spider
Jaguar XF
Range Rover Supercharged
Volvo CX90
Mazda CX9

kenyang kalau dapat..

Saturday, February 21, 2009

chill pills?

sangaaaat. medication pills for Diarrhea sudeeh
bosan bosan bosaan


i just had all of these few minutes ago. wondering if there were too many of empty spaces here in my stomach or i was just being the normal Muna hmmmm

and im craving these!
Turkish Delight


hmm these stuffs in my head are seriously giving me headaches. please for my sake make these two upcoming months wait for no men, i seriously can't stand anymore. all i really need is a real gateway. and when the time comes, i'll wait for no one, so love me when im gone. anyways asal la KLCC penuh sangat dengan budak-budak especially on weekends? buat semak kepala aku je la. datang setakat nak show off kehebatan kau in dressing up dengan gaya-gaya kau yang boleh buat aku muntah tu baik kau tidur kat rumah lagi bagus la, sejuk sikit hati mak kau tu haih

Friday, February 20, 2009

smile in your sleep

listening to some songs make me miss the good old times. i miss feeling the excitement of going places such two of my most fav places, Taman Negara and Perhentian. i miss pushing everything aside even classes and exams just to spend some days there. i miss the places, the people and even the journey like being in a late night bus to Kuala Besut and spending few hours in KTMB train to Jerantut.
when everything is done, im thinking of leaving the social life behind and re-build the old healthy life again.
i miss trekking for hours, climbing mountains for days, sleeping in sleeping bags, carrying heavy bag packs through the tracks, laying on the white sand every day doing nothing but relaxing, diving into the deep sea whenever i want, spending time with favourite friends under the hot sun and having nothing else in mind but just happy thoughts.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


see, my days are cold without you but im hurting while im with you
and though my heart can't take no more i keep on running back to you

you, yeah you. who i know will deff be reading this.

why do i feel like you're so distant away?
why don't i feel the excitement anymore?
can you please tell me why?
is it because you know i'll always give in?

cupid chokehold

your voice makes me melt in just a second,
like cheese does on a hot frying pan
never a moment where you failed to drool me.
im just sitting here day-dreaming about you,
and all the things you do, girl feels so right.

my forever girlfriend

girls who dj are such turn ons
Dj Nikki i so love you!


good morning. im again at work place, dying of boredom as usual. i do have tasks to be completed but it's hard doing so since i have no guidance here and big part of them have to be settled by myself hmm. im listening to fix you by Coldplay. a great and smooth song for a start hey. im currently creating some buttons to be put up on my soon to be website. man Razi i need your help dow. tapi kau pulak busy kerja macam mana ye.. wei Panjang tetibe cam rindu kau gila. dah lama tak jumpa kau and peluk badan kau yang macam tiang tu kan. lama gila ah tak lepak dengan kau ngan lagi sorang tu. dulu kalau tiap-tiap malam tak lepak dengan korang memang tak sah. pastu bawak kereta macam gila sampai kene saman banyak kali atas reason yang sama sampai dah nak kene naik mahkamah pun boleh buat kesalahan yang sama lagi. then aku rindu ulang-alik pegi Nilai dengan korang tiap-tiap minggu, pack daun dalam kereta sampai tumpah tumpah, lepak Hartamas sampai muntah, ha paling takleh lupa tidur rumah Cha. pergh aku pandang muka kau, kau pandang muka aku. pastu sama-sama pandang muka orang berjudi haha. balik balik je badan naik gatal gatal haha taubat weeei rumah korang nanti janganla macam tu. p/s i think i need a getaway soon hmm

time after time

i miss you guys. no joke, all of you. seems like everyone has been keeping distance from each other. it's uncool, cause we could have created good bonds, cause we are just one good family. serious doh rindu, dammmiittt. tunggula when everything is done kita ronggeng sama-sama okee.


you never failed in making me smile, even on the slightest reason
even though it has been weeks and months, my stomach still catches butterflies whenever you come across my mind

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


why can't i stop writing, it annoys me. sorry ah guys, im bored la. hmm i wish i was in another company. this firm is too boring. thanks Shina, you were supposed to be here with me man. bolehla aku borak borak dengan kau, lunch sama-sama, skip work and turun kl and lepak sana, chatting through YM eventhough duduk sebelah sebelah je. haiih thanksla wei *yawns* pastu sekarang aku sorang sorang kat sini macam orang tade keje (memang tade keje pun). kan best kalau kau ada, boleh lepak Haji Don sambil usha orang-orang kat sini pastu masuk office lambat heheh pastu camwhore dalam toilet, depan tangga waah banyak ah bende boleh buat kalau kau ada skali. tapi takpelah, ada hikmah kot aku tercampak sorang kat sini. boleh la aku meditasi kat office ni tiap-tiap hari since tade benda nak buat kan. anyways i miss old times la. zaman-zaman college heheh teringat aku, dari Sem1 sampai la Sem5, kelakar la wei. banyak sangat benda happened tak larat aku nak ingat. hmm like how we used to crave over cinema movies. bak kata Daus, tak pegi class takpe, tapi movie jangan terlepas haha kurang ajar kau Daus. and how our names naik dekat Pn.Wahida (if tak silap ah tu nama dia) punya bar list. pastu sebab kau kita 3 orang kene bebel lama and baik punya haha time tu aku rasa nak tumbuk je muka kau sebab tanya soalan meleret-leret hha. then kau ingat tak time aku kantoi MC dengan Miss Database tu? babi doh haha cuak gila aku. padan muka ah lepas tu kene present project tu sorang-sorang sampai ambik dekat sejam berdiri luar office dia sebab takut nak mengadap haha. hmm what else.. kau ingat tak kita slalu hantar assignments lambat? like really really lambat? pastu boleh chill lepak lepak lagi, bangang betul. and how we liked to walk from Uni to KLCC then BB then patah balik Uni haha haiih kau memang kawan sejati aku sampai mati la Shina :') anyways im not done yet, banyak gila doooh kenangan aku dengan kau. and remember the night we sleptover rumah Razi dengan Amin? how kita masak maggi goreng dengan chicken popcorns sambil layan Saw3 pastu tutup tutup mata sebab ngeri sangat? and how we watched 'The Blair Witch Project' and turun mamak pagi buta dengan baju tidur? haha oh yeaa pegi PD for Freedom Fest dengan our 2 other friends. and how kau and aku dengar unwanted sound from this room dari dapur? haha gross. pastu kau kene kacau dengan pak arab mabuk? perghh bongok je laki tak paham bahasa. urghh oh, jangan cakap kau lupa on what happened dekat Bedz haha malu akuu and how aku tak stop puking dekat club tu? kau punya pasal la aku bantai minum banyak termasuk air air kau. tak boleh blah dow time tu hengat apa dah. nasib baik kau sober kalau tak campur dengan bebelan kau memang makan penumbuk dow haha. and and the arab guy yang mabuk tetibe datang lepak sekali time kita dengan Soul semua, yang lepas dia peed dia nak salam kau tu? hahaha aku takleh tak gelak dow bila teringat apa jawapan dia masa aku tanya dia dari mana. bodoh. weh.. baru aku sedar betapa banyak gila aku tulis pasal kau ngan aku ni. layan layan haha shit, panjang umur kau. aku baru lepas dapat msg kau suruh call haha kau ni.. creepy dow.

alright, this one goes to my good friend. i gotta admit, aku rindu kau dow. honestly we've been through alot, like alot. and most of them are the best moments i've ever had. kau dulu, memang bestfriend sampai mati aku. kita suka berjalan, kalau dah start travel memang lupa daratan, nama pon obsession kan. well, you were a good travelling mate. sape lagi yang sanggup berjalan dengan aku bila bila saja aku nak? sape je yang sanggup gerak on time? no one weh. sape yang sanggup naik bas dari Pahang to Terengganu for 5 hours and tunggu 4 jam dekat bus station and lepas tu turun Pahang balik on the same day? sape lagi yang sanggup lepas all day travel, naik bas and tunggu dekat bus station 6-8 jam dengan aku kalau bukan kau? we had fun la kan. oh paling aku takleh lupa, kau la tulang belakang aku time panjat Gunung Tahan. perghh kalau tade kau boleh mati aku. sape je yang sanggup bazir energy dia sebab aku excited sangat nak naik gunung kalau bukan kau kan. and dengan kau la kita gerak 2 pulau serentak sampai balik lepas tu pun boleh gaduh hehe. and sape lagi yang sanggup naik train 8 jam dengan aku tanpa seats sebab kita tak beli ticket kalau bukan kau kan. pastu kau ingat tak, time jalan tengah malam kat Redang, kau dengan aku nampak 'benda' dekat hotel construction haha cuak doh pastu kau boleh lari lagi tinggal aku kurang ajar betul. and the best moment i've ever had with you time kat Pangkor. hahaha boleh gelak doh kalau ingat. haiih tu la, gatal sangat nak trekking skali ambik dah masuk hutan, tak reti nak cari jalan keluar. sampai trespassed kawasan airport. perghh time tu tuhan je tau betapa cuaknya aku sampai rasa nak kencing dalam boardshorts. yang paling tak tahan time nak cross landasan kapal terbang. kau siap suruh lari dua sama sama so that guard nanti ingat yang lari tu baboon haha. gila la time tu kalau nasib malang boleh melayang macam tu je la nyawa kene tembak dengan polis haih. even i had good times dengan Razi and Non. layan dow main ombak and masak depan chalet sampai kene sound haha. and and night jungle trekking yang Mat bawak, yang dia nak tunjuk something sampai aku rasa nak nangis. terima kasih la Mat. haih how i wish you could read this man. tapi takpelah, aku tau benda ni semua still fresh lagi dalam otak kau :)


haha what am i, an all time blogger? no no, im just plain bored. i have five windows opened at the mo, FYP folder, Source File, Macromedia Flash, SonicStage and :D Mac Flash is where i do all the designs and the other files are just usual coding files. SonicStage is where my playlists are perfectly kept, and Saosin - Seven years is playing repetitively. why? cause this is one of my all time favourite songs. i started listening to this song since few years back and never a moment where i disliked this song. oh this song brings alot of good memories. so does the rest. hey let's talk about songs shall we? i'll list down all the songs that can reminisce me of my pasts and how they ended being some of my favs. damn here we go..

-seven years, i can tell (Saosin)
oh these were the songs i listened most on my way to Taman Negara whilst sitting on the old mini bus full with villagers.

-lost symphonies (Saosin), how to save a life (The Fray), anonymous (Bobby Valentino)
these were the only three songs playing on my ipod while i was climbing Mount Tahan. why? i have noo idea hohoo.

-no one (Alicia Keys), baby love (Nicole Sherzinger ft Will.I.Am)
haa two songs that were repeated over and over on in Amin's car when we were on our way to Cameron Highland. trust me, too many times that i even had them playing in my head while sleeping -_-

-smile in your sleep (Silverstein), he is ocean (Emarosa)
started being my favourites after repetitively being played when i was in the bus to Kuala Besut

-when the sun sleeps (Underoath)
yeaah this was the only song Amin and i kept playing on his phone back when we were in Pulau Pangkor. we even had it on while riding a bike to Pangkor town hha how addictive.

-emergency (Paramore), broken wings (Flyleaf)
first Paramore and Flyleafs' songs ever been my favourite, i had them playing over and over on Amin's ipod when we were on our way to Cherating.

oh man, this is lots but wth :)

- the apl song (BEP)
ah this was in Edi's phone, the guy i met when we both were waiting for the train to Tanah Merah, Kota Bharu before getting to Perhentian Isl. it's in Tagalog but hell yeaah i remember every word in it ;) and Edi, he's such a nice guy. he helped me out with my bags, with my sleeping bag when we had to sleep on the train's floor for not having any journey tix. haih good times. i miss you man!

- let go (A Static Lullaby), another way (Paul Van Dyk)
two top songs in my playlist when i was dying of boredom in KTMB with Syiro and Fawwaz to Perhentian. guys, thinking of you make me miss over-priced Nasi Goreng, not-so comfortable bed coach, Panorama Margarita Pizza, Sha-Rila Hotel, midnight jungle walking, card tricks and deff mainland!

-moving mountains (Usher)
the one and only song i ever liked listening to while in Perhentian Isl. crazyy.

-dance (Jamiroquai), breathe (Telepopmusik)
the songs i started liking after a light session with Ujay and Shasha. perghh layan kan Sha?

-one more time (Daft Punk), mas que nada (BEP)
some of the most played songs at Lily's Bar in Perhentian. ergh reminded me of those drunken white people.

-sweetest girl (Wyclef Jean), the pieces don't fit anymore (James Morrison)
Marissa kept playing these both songs in our room back in Miri. sampai sekarang la aku teringat Sarawak and Brunei haiih.

-cookie jar (Gym Class Heroes)
ohh zaman kegemilangan Travis Mccoy. hohoh back in Kota Bharu during Raya, i would sit in front of the tv all day long just to watch this clip being played on MTV and V. eversince i had Sofia laughing at the lyrics, it is now reminding me of her, i like ghosts eh ;P

weh panjang gila list? gila tade keje dow haha lantak, layan jee.

-hide and seek (Imogen Heap), star mile (Joshua Radin)
ah soundtracks of 'The last kiss'. oh man, what a sad movie but good (Y)

-a thousand miles (Vanessa Carlton)
hohohh thanks to 'White chicks'. i found it a really good song and her voice is pretty cuuute :D

some of the songs played during a small session with Im and friends at Sucasa. aiihh Im kau buat aku dengar Hard pulak sekarang kaan.

-rendezvous (Craig David)
one of the best songs i've ever heard. and also the sweetest, saddest song i often play on my playlist. hmm i know you know i miss our good times.

-adagio for strings (Tiesto)
one of my fav songs during Freedom Festival sampai sempat dance while tunggu transport kaan Shina hehe

-beautiful (Ferry Corsten)
the first song played in Chikoy's car with Nana and Yaya. weei korang buat aku gila lagu ni lepas balik tau tak?!

-going wrong (Armin Van Buuren)
i like it. i like it so much. kau punya pasal la ni Aiman, kau cakap kat aku kau nak nyanyi kuat kuat time AVB turun Zouk. pastu sekarang aku pulak yang nyanyi kuat kuat kat dalam bilik sampai sendiri naik muak ceh.

my song, your song

Vanessa Carlton- A thousand miles

you know it's for you <3


i haven't heard your voice yet today. i don't know why im jotting down about you on my blog, but i guess it's cause you are just always there in my mind. honestly, you're the first person that pops up in my head everytime i wake up, the only face that dances in my imaginary eyes whenever i wipe the sleep off them, the one i keep thinking about on my everyday journey to office. you're mad. you're mad for making me mad for you. i wonder what could've been if i wasn't so blind before, if you weren't too shy and hid yourself from me, i bet things could have been more exciting hey. heh.. thinking about it lays a crooked smile on my face. it's just funny, and unbelievable at the same time. well i guess everything happens for a reason, as long as im not losing you sooner or later then it'd be okay. but i don't like being the only one who's excited, just so you know.

im never speaking up again
now there's no reason
i've got the kind of love in my hands
to last all seasons and seasons

Good morning

morning everyone. it's 15 mins past 9 and im at work yawning as much as i could. arghh the thought of 8 hours more to go before work is over is totally killing me. i know i should be doing the task given but meh, it's only February and i still have a long way to go so i better not waste my free time on it hey? haha. so let's see, there's only 3 of us in this office, like wth right? it's a firm so it's understandable. but that's what bores me the most, too less of people so im not really free to do anything or move wherever i want eventhough i have my own laptop and a mac pc here. anyhoooww *yawns* heheheh im soo bored? i think imma watch White Chicks again. i've been watching that movie for the past few days and i found it really fucking hilarious. oh god those Wayan Bros are the best actors alive. to those who've seen it, do you know the girl who acted in 'The exorcism of Emily Rose'? she's in this movie as well and omg she is bloody hot? especially in the bit where they're dancing at a club, she dances so well and it's a fucking turn on? oh man.. she drools me over with her moves and pretty face. blaaaahh *drools*. and Vanessa Carlton - A thousand miles is such a nice song hey. i've been playing it over and over on my playlist and it never seems to bore me at all. plus it has nice lyrics. mmhm :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

another Frogskins?

noo, it's Oakley Jupiter. damn it i want you! this is one of the nicest sunglasses ever made, and the next best thing after my own neon-yellow frogskins. just hang in there darling, i'll come and getcha soon ;)

missing you

im missing you. im missing you. this is crazy. after what we had, i keep missing you like hell and it's not right. i shouldn't be missing you. i cannot miss you. why? cause i can't do anything when i am. i don't know what you did but you seem to always walk across my brain and dancing in my head. this is crazy. i gotta admit, i feel so much for you and i can't deny the way im feeling. im just so into you and you know that. but it's uncool, cause you're not there. you're not there when i need you, when im at my lowest point, when im having your moment which happens every fucking minute, when i have so much stories to tell and share, when i just want someone to laugh with, when i just want you to be there, i just can't have you all the time. it sucks you know? it really does. but it's okay, im already used to it. im used to the fact that sometimes we just can't have things going the way we want them to.
i just miss you.

im a loner?

it's already 1.03 in the morning and i am still up doing this stupid blog. well, it's not stupid but just, i dont know something someone like me would do, a loner? i can't really call myself a loner but yea i'd like to think myself as that. anyways, what's up? it's my first time doing a blog which i never had the intention of doing so. tonight is just, too plain for me to just sit around and wait for the time to hit bed. soo, let's go to what i'd been through today. i skipped work, thanks to the lovely diorrhea (which i so glad i had it today) since i was so lazy to get up and get neat for work. it's so relieving to see Kak Ina doing her everyday chores downstairs. haven't had her for almost a month and i gotta admit, i missed her, i did really. so yea farrah came by around 2ish and i was just glad to see her after few days eventhough she interrupted my beauty evening sleep -_- talking about farrah, she's a lovely cousin of mine and i love her to death. you dig me, TO DEATH ok? she's the best cousin everyone could ever ask for trust me. btw couz, about what happened lastnight, im really sorry it happened. somehow you just can't have everything you want in this world. i know he means alot to you but what can you do when you don't mean anything to him anymore? sometimes you have to give and take, you need to let go. im always here to cheer you up, and you know that partneeerrr ;) we are still up for your malay guys game!