Wednesday, February 25, 2009


haiih korek korek treasure box terjumpa pulak surat surat you, teringat zaman zaman Integomb dulu. banyak gila memories kan. you're a good companion la i gotta admit. you were there all the time, dari pagi sampai la larut malam kan kan :p ingat lagi tidur sekatil, sebantal, setilam. then dengan bantal hijau dengan selimut you eh? org pun lupa daah. ingat tak dulu you selalu lalu dengan Farin depan my class pastu cam cover konon konon tak tengok haha and how you were jealous when i talked to siha :p and i still wonder what happened on the last day of school. i remember us not saying goodbye in a good way. the only thing org ingat, you were crying and i left you my shirt. or you weren't crying? ntah la lupa dah. but tu la, i can't stop wondering. ingat balik macam kelakar gila, macam orang in love pulak hehe well i do love you kalau tak i wouldn't bother coming to your dorm everynight kan. and i wouldn't bother teaching you basketball :p ingat senang keee nak dapat tips dari Muna hehe. haih teringat zaman sekolah. and how you kept on saying i smelled nice time perhimpunan haha oh oh, ingat tak cadet police? haha i ingat lagi, i penah marah you sebab tak datang meeting. and how your hands always sweat? haha tengok tengok my hands pun sama eh. and kita selalu study sama sama dekat class hujung yang kosong tu. we were so close kan, i miss you and old times :)

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