Thursday, February 26, 2009

you, me, us

you don't know how much i miss you guys and those times we had. Nota and Brita, you guys are the coolest living things ever alive. we could spend the whole day on the beach doing nothing but enjoying each other's company. Nota, you're like the very best friend of mine. i don't know where you came from (i know it's Greek) but i guess God was so proud of His creations that He wanted to show me them, and so He left you abandoned in Perhentian (since you had no chalet of your own) hehe. i remember sitting beside you at Rock Garden's counter for the very first time, watching you talking to your friend over the phone. and how i offered you my room and you were like so flattered? then we became closer when you came by and laid down with me under the big red and yellow umbrella on the beach where i got covered by but not you so it had you sweating all the way in the sun? haha and our dinner with those Spanish dudes was soo funny? haha all we did was look at each other, wondering what they were talking about. and i remember one of them looked like David Beckham and he eventually had a crush on you? lol ;) and that was the night i met Brita too. i thought she was just a normal plain white girl with her glasses and black bag but oh man she's the best drinking partner ever. she's up for anything even Monkey Juice with some Coke in the small blue bucket! and we looked so descent together eating happy burgers on the bar haha. ah she's crazy, totally. back to you, i remember you and your naked people on the Greek beach story hahaha you told me about it for almost everyday? and how you both laughed at me for not wanting to get into the water like at all? and how you taught me on how to roll tabacco? damn how could i ever learn when the only time you ever did was when i was totally drunk? one day Nota one daay haha and i absolutely remember my first night getting drunk with you guys, how i slapped myself and fell asleep on Brita's black bag? fun hey. oh yea do you remember how you mixed up all those Malay words i ever taught you? haha that's hella funny alright. and how Brita mixed up Malay and Norwegian without realising it cause she was totally stoned? hahahha i swear to god it really tickled my ass. maan we did alot of fun things together didn't we. how you put me to bed cause i was so drunk and you got kicked out by me cause there's no way i could lock the door with you inside the room? haha im soooryy but thanks for the goodnight kiss though ;) and Brita, remember how i tripped off the bar bench? hahaha thanks for laughiiiingg maan. thank god Andi was there to pull me or i'd get myself stuck down there -_- and how we had early drinks along with raggae songs on the beach? romantic. haha. ahh there's so much to be remembered of that i could never have enough space to list them. it was so sad leaving you guys that i actually cried on my way off the island? hehe i really love you guys though :)

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