Sunday, February 28, 2010


hati masih tak terima ditinggalkan
masih tercari - cari bayangan
aku kehilangan mu

Friday, February 19, 2010

Another truth

I dreamt about you again last night. weird isn't it? how I wished it was for real. but the only real thing here is my tears roll down whenever I think of you, whenever I am in 'your' mood. it's been months, but I seem like running in a circle, running around you. what have you done to me? what have you given me in the past? whenever I tried hooking up, I failed. cause it's always you who appeared at the end of the winning line. I got to admit, you're the best i have ever had. you are the all time winner. but it's okay.. someone once told me, "If they don't want you anymore there is nothing you could do. let go. let them be happy." and so I did. I let go of you out of my life. it's now my time to let go of myself from yours. it's just another lie when I say I don't love you no more.

John Legend - Everybody knows

Saturday, February 6, 2010


it's been ages since I last wrote anything down here. got so many to tell but had no words to express. if you guys are wondering, I've been good. getting better is the exact expression. I was on a long rough road ever since I left Kuantan. it wasn't easy, at first. what would you feel when you know you have lost the only thing you have ever loved, the other half of your heart? no words can describe isn't it. you were a lover, a good friend. got to admit, it's really hard for me to let go of you, cause I don't want to, and cause everything seems to be reminding me of you. every move I make, every single thing I do, every song i listen to, everything. but i am learning, really hard. but no matter what happens, there will always be a part of me that loves you eternally. moving on, I worked my ass out for couple of months to get myself back on track. and I finally stepped my feet on one of the places in my travelling list. it was totally fun that it kind of helping me in taking a step away from the rough past. tomorrow will be the very first time of me working in a coffee shop. I wonder how will it be and honestly it's kinda scaring me out since I don't really know what to expect. but I think it'll be fun.. I mean working around food and drinks hehe. well if any of you guys are free, just come around and drop by yeah?